Molecular Sub-Healthy Status (Syndrome): A Severe Pre-warning for Working Adults’Health in China


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Abstract Background: We examine fasting blood metabolites related to the liver function among individuals participating in routine physical examinations.Aim: To investigate their possible“molecular sub-healthy”syndromes defined by having abnormal rise blood metabolites without relevant clinical manifestations or diagnosis, and try to use the median to define the high-risk and low-risk sub-healthy population.Design and setting:62,758 individuals of Han Chinese attending our healthy checkup clinic in the First Affiliated Hospital, School of Medicine, Shihezi University, spanning from from January 2013 to April 2018.Method: Peoples were tested for ten blood metabolites related to the liver function after fasting overnight, using an automated bioanalyzer. Results: (1) IBIL+TBIL (3858, 9.9%) had the highest number of high-risk individuals at the same time, followed by DBIL+IBIL (3525, 9.0%), DBIL+TBIL (3458, 8.9%). The high-risk combination of three indicators at the same time was DBIL+IBIL+TBIL.(3201, 8.2%). (2) The number of individuals with coexistence of three abnormal rise related to liver functions (6,753, 10.76%) or medium-defined High-risk bio-molecules(3,144, 5.01%) was higher than with coexistence of two abnormal rise(3,524, 5.62%) or high risk indicators(2,156, 4.09%). Meanwhile, the number of individuals with coexistence of multiple abnormal rise and High-risk bio-molecules were both subject to the distribution of the zero-inflated Poisson (ZIP) model.Conclusions: We proposed for the first time that Molecular Sub-Healthy Status and syndrome(MSHS1, MSHS2), MSHS1 indicates an individual having at least two function-related bio-molecules beyond normal ranges without obvious clinical symptoms. MSHS2 indicates an individual having three or more function-related bio-molecules beyond normal ranges without obvious clinical symptoms.
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