Machine Learning based Noise Characterization and Correction on Neutral Atoms NISQ Devices


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Neutral atoms devices represent a promising technology using optical tweezers to geometrically arrange atoms and modulated laser pulses to control their quantum states. They are exploited as noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) processors. Indeed, like all real quantum devices, they are affected by noise introducing errors in the computation. Therefore, it is important to understand and characterize the noise sources and possibly to correct them. Here, two machine-learning based approaches are proposed respectively to estimate the noise parameters and to mitigate their effects using only measurements of the final quantum state. Our analysis is then tested on a real neutral atom platform, comparing our predictions with a priori estimated parameters. It turns out that increasing the number of atoms is less effective than using more measurements on a smaller scale. The agreement is not always good but this may be due to the limited amount of real data that are obtained from a still under development device. Finally, reinforcement learning is employed to design a pulse that mitigates the noise effects. Our machine learning-based approach is espected to be very useful for the noise benchmarking of NISQ processors and, more in general, of real quantum technologies. Neutral atoms devices represent a promising technology that uses optical tweezers to arrange atoms and modulated laser pulses to control the quantum states. Two machine learning approaches are proposed to estimate the noise parameters and to mitigate the noise effects on such devices. The former is evaluated on simulated and real data and the latter do not require ancilla qubits.image
machine learning,neutral atoms,noisy intermediate scale quantum devices,quantum machine learning,quantum noise,quantum noise spectroscopy,quantum noise correction
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