A colloidal viewpoint on the finite sphere packing problem: the sausage catastrophe

arXiv (Cornell University)(2023)

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It is commonly believed that the most efficient way to pack a finite number of equal-sized spheres is by arranging them tightly in a cluster. However, mathematicians have conjectured that a linear arrangement may actually result in the densest packing. Here, our combined experimental and simulation study provides a realization of the finite sphere packing problem by studying non-close-packed arrangements of colloids in a flaccid lipid vesicle. We map out a state diagram displaying linear, planar and cluster conformations of spheres, as well as bistable states which alternate between cluster-plate and plate-linear conformations due to membrane fluctuations. Finally, by systematically analyzing truncated polyhedral packings, we identify clusters of $56\leq N \leq 70$ spheres, excluding $N=57$ and 63, that pack more efficiently than linear arrangements.
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Key words
finite sphere packing problem,colloidal viewpoint,sausage
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