Handbook of Surface Plasmon Resonance

Rob P H Kooyman,Robert M Corn,Alastair Wark,Hye Jin Lee, Erk Gedig, Gerard Engbers, Lennart Walstrom,Nico J de Mol, Damien R Hall,Paul Yager,Timothy Chinowsky,Elain Fu, Kjell Nelson, Alan McWhirter, Marcel J E Fischer, Angelique M C Lokate, J Bianca Beusink,Ger J M Pruijn, Wolfgang Knoll, Amal Kasry, Jing Liu,Thomas Neumann, Lifang Niu, Hyeyoung Park,Harald Paulsen, Rudolf Robelek,Fang Yu, Peter Schuck,Richard A Frazier


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Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) plays a dominant role in real-time interaction sensing of biomolecular binding events. This book focuses on a total system description including optics, fluidics and sensor surfaces. It covers all commercial SPR systems in the market. It is the first of its kind and fills a gap in the technical literature as no other handbook on SPR is currently available. The final chapter discussed new trends and a vision is given for future developments and needs of the SPR market. This excellent handbook provides comprehensive information with easy to use, stand-alone chapters and will be of great use to anyone one working with or affiliated to the technology.
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