A Machine Learning Approach to Galactic Emission-Line Region Classification

RAS Techniques and Instruments(2023)

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Diagnostic diagrams of emission-line ratios have been used extensively to categorize extragalactic emission regions; however, these diagnostics are occasionally at odds with each other due to differing definitions. In this work, we study the applicability of supervised machine-learning techniques to systematically classify emission-line regions from the ratios of certain emission lines. Using the Million Mexican Model database, which contains information from grids of photoionization models using \texttt{cloudy}, and from shock models, we develop training and test sets of emission line fluxes for three key diagnostic ratios. The sets are created for three classifications: classic \hii{} regions, planetary nebulae, and supernova remnants. We train a neural network to classify a region as one of the three classes defined above given three key line ratios that are present both in the SITELLE and MUSE instruments' band-passes: [{\sc O\,iii}]$\lambda5007$/H$\beta$, [{\sc N\,ii}]$\lambda6583$/H$\alpha$, ([{\sc S\,ii}]$\lambda6717$+[{\sc S\,ii}]$\lambda6731$)/H$\alpha$. We also tested the impact of the addition of the [{\sc O\,ii}]$\lambda3726,3729$/[{\sc O\,iii}]$\lambda5007$ line ratio when available for the classification. A maximum luminosity limit is introduced to improve the classification of the planetary nebulae. Furthermore, the network is applied to SITELLE observations of a prominent field of M33. We discuss where the network succeeds and why it fails in certain cases. Our results provide a framework for the use of machine learning as a tool for the classification of extragalactic emission regions. Further work is needed to build more comprehensive training sets and adapt the method to additional observational constraints.
classification,machine learning,emission-line
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