
Real-Time Outdoor Localization Improvement for IoT Anchor Nodes

Research Square (Research Square)(2022)

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Abstract Real-time localization improvement is needed in most Internet of Things (IoT) applications that require accurate knowledge of the physical location of IoT devices, especially in the areas that having a weak GPS signals or in moving objects like smart bike-sharing, robots, and off- roads vehicles. Recently, most outdoor localizations use a hybrid mechanism integrating some IoT devices occupying with GPS (Anchor Nodes) and others IoT devices with wireless sensors nodes like LoRaWAN (without GPS-Unknown node). This hybrid method employed to achieve low power consumption and low cost solution. Our proposed work focuses on determining the Anchor node locations with high accuracy to enhance the overall accuracy of all IoT nodes. To achieve this goal, the installation of low power consummations and low-cost localization sensors modules will be used in the proposed Anchor IoT node. These modules as inertial measuring unit (IMU) will integrate with a low cost Global Positioning System (GPS) module to enhance the locations accuracy of these IoT devices. Then, the proposed method will be implemented on AVR microcontroller (ATMega 128) to develop an IoT enhanced localization unit. The general structure of the proposed method from a mathematical point of view is presented with recursive algorithm update equations. Moreover, this paper will show how the IoT device’s state can be known accurately and at a high update rate (100Hz, 10 milliseconds).
iot anchor nodes,localization,real-time
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