Giant angular Nernst Effect in the Organic Metal α-(BEDT-TT)2KHg(SCN)4


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We have detected a large Nernst effect in the CDW state of the multiband organic metal α−(BEDT−TT)2KHg(SCN)4. We find that there exists a significant gradient of charge relaxation processes that can generate a sizeable contribution adding especially to the transverse thermoelectric signal. Apart from the phonon drag, the energy relaxation processes governing the electron-phonon interactions and the momentum relaxation processes governing the charge mobility of the q1D group of carriers have a significant role in observing the large Nernst signal in the CDW state. The emphasised momentum relaxation dynamics in the low field CDW state is a clear indicator of a significant carrier mobility that can lead to the largest Nernst signal in this state. The momentum relaxation is reduced with increasing angle and magnetic field, i.e., in the high field CDW state which is reflected in the smaller Nernst effect amplitude. In this case only the phonon drag and electron-phonon interactions are contributing to the transverse thermoelectric signal. Our findings advance and change the previous observations on the complex properties of this organic metal.
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