Pencegahan penularan covid-19 melalui penyediaan alat pelindung diri, training diagnostik covid-19 dan pemeriksaan covid-19 berbasis swab pcr gratis untuk tenaga kesehatan dan mahasiswa kepaniteraan klinik fakultas kedokteran universitas yarsi kerjasam

Sri Wahyu Herlinawati,Hilyatuz Zahroh, Sakura Sakura, Sofa Inayatullah, Hadi Firmansyah, Nunung Ainurohmah,Rika Yuliwulandari

Info Abdi Cendekia(2021)

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Currently, Indonesia has the highest number of confirmed Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases in ASEAN. The large scale detection based on Real-Time Reverse Transcriptase PCR (rRT-PCR) is a key strategy recommended by WHO for controlling COVID-19 spread. Increasing testing capacity is very important for countries with the massive spread of COVID-19. In this community service program, the committee has carried out 3 strategic activities: free COVID-19 diagnosis based on rRT-PCR test, training on SARS-CoV-2 rRT PCR test, and distribution of free personal protective equipment (PPE). The target subjects are clinical clerkship students of medical school of YARSI University, health workers, employees and their family, and academic staff of YARSI University. Keywords : Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19), Swab test rRT-PCR, personal protective equipment (PPE)
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