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Eau, genre et défis globaux en Côte d’Ivoire. Water, gender and global challenges in Côte d’Ivoire . 

Valérie Borrell Estupina, Alexis Tchiakpe,


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<p>In Africa, floods have become "classic" hazards (David, 2004) due to climate change and rampant and poorly regulated urbanization. Over a million and a half people are affected each year in Africa by flooding following heavy rains. Over the period from 2009 to 2014, there were a total of 74 deaths caused by flooding in the District of Abidjan. They are also responsible for dropping out of school, job losses, increasing insecurity (...) as are extreme drought events (days of the Africa-France Summit 2021).</p><p>The keys to a more socially equitable resilience of these territories, as presented by Matin et al. (2018), are based on the 4 pillars of inclusion, transformation, scale and subjectivity. In this sense, inclusion presupposes that all social groups can take part in the decision-making process, whether minority or informal, ranging from citizen participation mechanisms. It also assumes that decision-makers and main actors take the measure and be trained in its full integration in the establishment of participatory and decision-making processes. Training future international water leaders in the socially equitable resilience of territories in the face of extreme events exacerbated by global changes is therefore becoming a necessity. These two aspects are the subject of our study: the role of rural African women in the key processes of resilience in the face of extreme events, and innovative pedagogical methods making it possible to train the decision-makers of tomorrow to take this into account.</p><p>Our project was made possible by the merger between the European Master Charm-EU, born from the European alliance of universities between the Universities of Barcelona, &#8203;&#8203;Montpellier, Eotvost, Utrecht and Trinity College, funded by ERASMUS, with the UNESCO Chair Water, Women, Decision-making Power of the F&#233;lix Houphou&#235;t Boigny University of Abidjan (C&#244;te d'Ivoire) and of the UNESCO ICIREWARD Center of the University of Montpellier (France) as part of the ActNAO project, funded by the Research Institute for Development, the University of Montpellier and the UNESCO ICIREWARD center.</p><p><strong>&#160;</strong></p><p><strong>Mots clefs / keywords</strong>&#160;: Genre&#160;; Femmes&#160;; Participation et P&#233;dagogie ; Abidjan&#160;; Afrique centrale et de l&#8217;ouest&#160;; Changements globaux ; R&#233;silience&#160;; Ev&#233;nements extr&#234;mes</p>
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