SLR sliding window solutions with daily sampling for replacing GRACE/GRACE-FO C20 and C30


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<p>The recovery of Earth&#8217;s time variable gravity field from satellite data relied on Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) before missions like the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) and GRACE Follow-On (FO). Currently, the monthly gravity solutions from GRACE/GRACE-FO provide amazing information about the temporal variations of gravity field.&#160; However, coefficients C<sub>20</sub> and C<sub>30</sub> derived from GRACE/GRACE-FO are unreliable. The coefficients, on the other hand, can be reasonably well determined using SLR data and can be used to replace the unreliable values from GRACE/GRACE-FO. In the future, GRACE-FO will provide 28-day sliding widow gravity solutions with weekly sampling. The corresponding SLR solutions should be also provided. Based on this motivation, we study the SLR 30-day sliding window solutions with daily sampling. The new SLR products can be used to replace unreliable coefficients C<sub>20</sub> and C<sub>30</sub> of both GRACE-FO monthly and sliding window products. This study presents the strategies of gravity recovery from SLR data and discusses the results.</p>
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