Quality of Evidence Supporting the Effects of Xinmailong injection in Heart Failure: An Overview of Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses

Xiaoqi Wu,Jisen Zhao,Maoxia Fan, Dongo Guo


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Review question / Objective: 2.1.1 type of research SRs/MAs of RCT (randomized controlled trial) of Xinmailong injection for the treatment of heart failure. 2.1.2 Subject investigated All included patients met internationally recognized diagnostic criteria for heart failure.There are no limitations on age, gender, ethnicity, time of onset, source of cases and language of publication. 2.1.3 Type of Intervention The control group was treated with conventional basic Western medicine recommended by the guidelines related to heart failure[1, 11], including antiplatelet drugs, anticoagulants, vasodilators, beta-blockers,ACEI (angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors), lipid-lowering drugs, and diuretic agents. and other drug treatment. The intervention group was given Xinmailong injection on the basis of the control group.
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