
Biological uptake, water mass mixing and scavenging prevent transport of manganese-rich waters from the Antarctic shelf


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Manganese (Mn) is an essential element for photosynthetic life, yet concentrations in Southern Ocean open waters are very low, resulting from biological uptake along with limited external inputs. At southern latitudes, waters overlying the Antarctic shelf are expected to have much higher Mn concentrations due to their proximity to external sources such as sediment and sea ice. In this study, we investigated the potential export of Mn-rich Antarctic shelf waters toward depleted open Southern Ocean waters. Our results showed that while high Mn concentrations were observed over the shelf, strong biological uptake decreased dissolved Mn concentrations in surface waters north of the Southern Antarctic Circumpolar Current Front ( < 0.1 nM), limiting export of shelf Mn to the open Southern Ocean. Conversely, in bottom waters, mixing between Mn-rich Antarctic Bottom Waters and Mn-depleted Low Circumpolar Deep Waters combined with scavenging processes led to a decrease in dissolved Mn concentrations with distance from the coast. Subsurface dissolved Mn maxima represented a potential reservoir for surface waters (0.3 – 0.6 nM). However, these high subsurface values decreased with distance from the coast, suggesting these features may result from external sources near the shelf in addition to particle remineralization. Overall, these results imply that the lower-than-expected lateral export of trace metal-enriched waters contributes to the extremely low ( < 0.1 nM) and potentially co-limiting Mn concentrations previously reported further north in this Southern Ocean region.
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