Evaluation of Physicochemical Variables Following Demolition of Building Structures in and Around Kware Lake, Sokoto, Nigeria

Arid-zone Journal of Basic & Applied Research(2022)

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Physical and chemical factors are dynamic in nature, and anthropogenic activities can affect these changes. The residents have used Kware Lake as a source of drinking water, irrigation, and fishing activities. The destruction of structural buildings inside and surrounding the lake served as the impetus for this investigation. Selected physicochemical factors were identified, and three study locations (Inlet, Mid, and Outlet) were chosen. For a period of six months, monthly samples of water and sediment were taken (October 2021 to March 2022). The amounts of Ca+ , Mg+ , SO4, and NO3 were found to be significantly changed across months when measured using standard methods, although, Na+ values were not and there was little seasonal variation in electrical conductivity (EC). However, at p<0.05, the variables pH, Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), Dissolved oxygen (DO), and Ammonia (NH4) indicated a significant difference across months. Additionally, according to a sediment investigation, there were no appreciable variations in electrical conductivity, organic carbon (OC) and clay between the months. However, in February and March of 2022, elevated pH and EC concentrations were observed. To ensure that the Kware residents continue to use the water daily, continuous monitoring is necessary
demolition,physicochemical variables,kware lake,building structures,nigeria
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