A inserção de egressos do curso de enfermagem no mercado de trabalho

Guilherme Brückmann Flores,Taina Barbie do Espírito Santo, Cladis Loren Kiefer Moraes

Global Academic Nursing Journal(2022)

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Aiming to verify the insertion of nursing graduates from a private college in Greater Florianópolis in the labor market, a descriptive, exploratory and qualitative study was carried out. Data collection was carried out through a semi-structured online form, using the “snowball” technique. The graduates included in the sample had completed their training in the period from 2018 to 2020. Of the 21 graduates in the research, there was a predominance of females, in relation to entering the labor market, the vast majority entered within six months and the forms admission to the first job as a nurse were varied, with the selection process and the COVID-19 emergency selection process being the main forms of admission, respectively and in hospital units. The lack of experience was pointed out as the main difficulty encountered by the graduates, and personal characteristics were presented as the main facility. The research results made it possible to verify the dynamics of insertion of graduates in the labor market and understanding of the profile identify facilities and difficulties so that it became possible to analyze and understand the socioeconomic context. It was concluded that entry into the labor market was facilitated because of the pandemic, and experience and low wages define the labor market.
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Key words
trabalho,inserção de egressos,mercado,curso de enfermagem
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