SDN-Based IoT with Edge Computing

SDN-Supported Edge-Cloud Interplay for Next Generation Internet of Things(2022)

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Most IoT devices are prone to security issues ranging from wireless networks to different types of mobile networks (MN). Software-defined networks (SDN) use edge computing for IoT devices. The disruptive quality of SDN allows the management of network nodes using a software program from a remote location, making them more effective than a traditional system. However, edge computing allows a massive number of devices at the edge for communicating with the SDN. Traditional networks are unable to handle the increasing number of mobile devices and other peripherals required to process big data. The elastic nature of SDN-enabled edge computing to deal with IoT makes it more significant as a norm for dealing with robust events, activities and data. This chapter discusses a detailed SDN-based IoT architecture with edge computing that offers a successful and robust environment to deal with billions of devices in a meaningful and secured manner. A critical view of current trends in managing IoT devices and a variety of challenges relating to privacy and security issues are highlighted. Key words: Mobile Networks. Software-Defined Networks, Network Function Virtualization, Machine to Machine, Mobile Cloud Computing
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