Bryophyta around Syamsudin Noor International Airport, South Kalimantan, Indonesia

Bryophytes - The State of Knowledge in a Changing World(2023)

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Research on biodiversity of bryophyta around Syamsudin Noor International airport has never been reported. The study purposed the types of mosses around the Syamsudin Noor International Airport. A purposive sampling method was used to collect bryophyta and then environmental parameters were directly measured in the field. Moss identification referred to the book A Handbook of Malesian Mosses volume 1 Sphagnales to Dicranales and volume 2 Leucobryaceae to Buxbaumiaceae. Morphological characteristics of mosses were observed at leaf parts, stem, and rhizoids. The results showed 7 species of mosses consisting of Barbula javanica, Hyophila apiculata, Philonotis hastata, Ectropothecium falciforme, Fissidens atroviridis, Calymperes tenerum, and Hyophila involuta. The dominant species was Barbula javanica. The range of environmental parameter valued air temperature 28.1–34.1°C, light intensity 20–35 lux, humidity 74–84%, and soil pH 6.5–7. The results of this study are preliminary data that can be used for further research and determine the changing conditions of the environment around Syamsudin Noor International Airport.
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bryophyta,syamsudin noor international airport,indonesia,south kalimantan
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