Reply to comment “The Børglum fault was active in historical times” by Gaidzik & Kázmér

Quaternary Science Reviews(2024)

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Widely spread worldwide, beach-ridge systems are established along prograding coastlines, either fostered by a falling Relative Sea-Level (RSL), by substantial sediment stocks being provided to the coastline, or by the combination of both agents. As such, they can form valuable archives of either large scale RSL and isostatic dynamics and/or of more local coastal processes, e.g. related to variations in riverine sediment supply. In this study, we analyze three raised beach-ridge complexes located on the island of Anticosti (Gulf of St.-Lawrence, Québec, Canada). Using both field and LiDAR DEM data, we produce new RSL histories for the north-eastern and north-western sectors of Anticosti Island region over the ca. 14.400 to 8.300 yrs cal. B.P. period. These new sea-level data allow to considerably refine the postglacial RSL history of the region, hence carrying large implications for the comprehension of the isostatic dynamics of the St-Lawrence region. Considerable misfits between our observations and outputs of the GIA models notably allow to propose refinements on the LIS architecture and melting history as well as on the rheological characteristics of the St-Lawrence valley. Locally, chronologies of progradation of the beach-ridges were mostly forced by RSL changes, yet also apparently recorded the demise of the local Anticosti remnant ice-cap throughout the changes in sediment supply the melting of the latter produced locally. Finally, some results of paleo-oceanographic significance could also be derived from the study of the beach-ridges, pertaining for instance to changes in sea-ice cover.
børglum fault,gaidzik,historical times”
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