A New Tool for Post-Processing Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR) Data 2D Algorithm and 3D Experimental Analysis: Case Study from an Archaeological Test Site

SSRN Electronic Journal(2023)

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The ability of ground-penetrating radar (GPR) to produce three-dimensional data about features preserved underground, such as buildings, burials, and building rubble, makes it a valuable and trustworthy research tool that is widely used in archaeology. This paper uses handheld ground-penetrating radar to establish an anomaly recognition algorithm for subsurface feature extraction. The distance measure is used, and the background statistics are updated adaptively. This theoretical investigation provided insight into how anomalies can be easily detected. Additionally, data from the test site is collected using the Ekko pulse GPR system. For 3D visualization, the acquired data is processed using the same algorithm. As proposed in the theoretical section, evident anomalies have been discovered. The 3D model was used to locate a companion burial Arcelogical plot as well as potential leachate plumes beneath and surrounding test site. Both were undetectable in the 2D model, demonstrating the utility of 3D modeling in the detection of subsurface structures. Our findings are expected to be useful in all other GPR studies, particularly in geoforensic and archaeological applications.
data 2d algorithm,radar,gpr,post-processing,ground-penetrating
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