Distribution Network Topology Identification Using Smart Meter Data and Considering the Same-Bus-Different-Feeder Condition

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics(2023)

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Due to the rapid growth of distribution systems in urban areas, the increasing complexity of these distribution systems brings challenges to accurate topology identification. The collected voltage data from smart meters have been proven effective in topology identification applications. However, when multiple feeders are connected to the same bus, the accuracy of existing voltage-correlation-based topology identification can be degraded significantly. To address this challenge, a comprehensive inference method is proposed in this article to identify the on/off switch state in the distribution system considering the same-bus-different-feeder condition. The voltage-power-dependence principle among connected nodes is revealed. Based on this theory, a physical probabilistic network model is proposed to represent the causal relationships between the switch states and the voltage-power dependence in a distribution network. The belief propagation algorithm is introduced to deduce the topology identification model, which can reduce the time consumption of the inference. The performance of the proposed method and its advantage over the existing methods are verified in case studies.
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Key words
Belief propagation (BP) algorithm,distribution network,probabilistic graphical model,topology identification
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