Influence of socioeconomic characteristics on artisanal fishing in Andoni L. G. A. of Rivers State, Nigeria

Sixtus Onwukwe Anyanwu, Godwill Ibim Wilcox, Beatrice Belema Okafor, Constance Eneyo

African Journal of Biological, Chemical and Physical Sciences(2022)

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Rivers State possesses abundant natural and ecological resources for sustainable fish production in Nigeria, but the overall output level implied that these resources had not been optimized. Therefore, research is needed to isolate the missing link in the artisanal fish production value chain. The study examined the impact of socioeconomic characteristics on artisanal fish production among fisher folks in Andoni Local Government Area, Rivers State, Nigeria. Thirty artisanal fisher folks randomly selected from four communities through structured questionnaires and interview schedules were used for the study. Descriptive statistics involving frequencies and percentages and regression equations were utilized in the analysis. Age, household size, educational level, Artisanal fishing experience and extension contact played significant roles in determining the output and gross income of artisanal fishermen folks in Andoni L.G.A. To change the direction of management of affairs towards increased artisanal fishery in Rivers State, Nigeria, the study recommended that relevant government agencies saddled with the responsibility of making and implementing decisions in the fishery sub-sector should give pride of place to variables such as age, household size, educational level, Artisanal fishing experience and extension contact.
artisanal fishing,socioeconomic characteristics,nigeria
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