Highly Efficient Perovskite-on-Silicon Tandem Solar Cells on Planar and Textured Silicon

2022 IEEE 49th Photovoltaics Specialists Conference (PVSC)(2022)

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Beyond the limitations of single-junction solar cells, multi-junction devices offer the possibility to harness the sun’ light more efficiently. In particular perovskite-on-silicon (Pk/Si) tandems hold the great promise of high efficiencies >30 % while maintaining low cost. We report on our latest progress in the development of Pk/Si tandems comparing our efforts on single-side and double-side textured Pk/Si tandems, reaching a VOC up to 1.95 V, summed short-circuit current densities above 41 mA/cm2, and certified efficiencies >29 %, on an active area of 1cm2. We achieved these results by dedicated electrical and optical optimizations of all layers within the stack. Specifically, we improved the transparency of the front stack electrodes and contacts through simulation-guided optimizations of the front grid and layer thicknesses, and reduced recombination and transport losses in the Pk absorbers through process and additive engineering for both solution-processed one-step and hybrid two-step deposited Pks. Furthermore, we investigated the stability of single-junction Pk and tandem devices under reverse-bias and standardized accelerated aging conditions.
certified efficiencies,electrical optimizations,multijunction devices,optical optimizations,perovskite-on-silicon tandem solar cells,Pk absorbers,single-junction solar cells,summed short-circuit current densities,sun light,tandem devices,textured silicon,voltage 1.95 V
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