Punctual characterization of the unitary flat bundle of weight one PVHS and application to families of curves

Rendiconti Lincei - Matematica e Applicazioni(2022)

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In this paper, we consider the problem of pointwise determining the fibres of the flat unitary subbundle of a polarized variation of Hodge structures (PVHS) of weight one. Starting from the associated Higgs field, and assuming the base has dimension 1, we construct a family of (smooth but possibly non-holomorphic) morphisms of vector bundles with the property that the intersection of their kernels at a general point is the fibre of the flat subbundle. We explore the first one of these morphisms in the case of a geometric PVHS arising from a family of smooth projective curves, showing that it acts as the cup-product with some sort of "second-order Kodaira-Spencer class" which we introduce, and check in the case of a family of smooth plane curves that this additional condition is non-trivial.
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Key words
unitary flat bundle,curves,punctual characterization,pvhs
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