A Service-Environment-Oriented Shape Reconstruction Method of Vehicle-borne Active Phased Array Antenna

2021 CIE International Conference on Radar (Radar)(2021)

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Modern electronic equipment has been moving towards large scale and increased complexity. Affected by such factors as complex working environments, the performance of a large number of structures in engineering is degraded or even destroyed. Therefore, structure shape estimation is of great significance. The complexity of the structure, however, makes it impossible for a single deformation evaluation algorithm to evaluate the structure comprehensively and accurately. In this paper, a modal-approximate curve (M-AC) method, using a small amount of strain data, is proposed for block shape estimation of structures. Three typical wind load experiments are carried out on the finite element model (FEM) of the vehicle-borne active phased array antenna, and the effectiveness of the algorithm is verified. Under the wind speed of 28 (m/s), the deformation of antenna front is 104.70 mm and the estimation accuracy of the M-AC method is 87.43%, which is 16.47% higher than that of the modal approach. The results indicate that the estimated displacement is consistent well with the simulation results of the finite element method.
shape reconstruction method,service-environment-oriented,vehicle-borne
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