Changes in root behavior of wheat species under abiotic stress conditions

Abiotic Stresses in Wheat(2023)

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Plant breeding efforts have diminished the evolutionary divergence of agricultural crops, reducing their tolerance to environmental stresses. In a given environment, a climate-resilient variety with better root system architecture (RSA) is more likely to adapt. Root systems can be modified in this context by including more than one component RSA trait, as well as any additional ideotype traits required for that specific local environment. Drought-adapted genotypes have a deeper root system due to a lower seminal root angle, whereas genotypes have more horizontal seminal root growth and shallow root systems adopted to irrigated environments. Heat substantially impacts the quantity, length, and diameter of roots during the reproductive stage. Salinity stress also negatively affects the number of root tips, total root length, average root diameter, and total root volume and their dry weight. It is critical to know which RSA types work best in agricultural contexts to choose from various target environments and germplasm pools with varying component trait configurations. Deep root systems were identified in ancient wheat species and wild wheat descendants, and they are generally considered as the most significant sources of genetic variation for abiotic stress tolerance.
abiotic stress conditions,wheat species,root behavior
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