Computer-Aided Methods for Analysing Run of Speed Climbers


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The continuously developing project aims to build an informatics system enabling analysis of spatial and temporal parameters of movement activities occurring in the sport of speed climbing. The monitoring system (climbing information speed system – CISS) is to be used for conducting comprehensive scientific research in the field of speed climbing. The system enables the evaluation of the training process of climbers at various levels of competition. The study analysis was based on video. The video recording with a camera positioned at a short distance (10 m) from the wall. The marker was positioned closest to the centre of mass (gravity) BMC. Results: development of a system for data collection and analysis of the climbing run based on video recording (application of the Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi (KLT) algorithm). Our results showed that used devices can measure a wide range of specific internal and external variables during speed climbing. Some of the analyzed parameters were significantly correlated with speed climbing time. These results could be a theoretical basis for future research and for training program’s preparation.
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