Role of climate change in disasters occurrences: Forecasting and management options

Visualization Techniques for Climate Change with Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence(2023)

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Global warming is becoming a very challenging issue for the current world. With more than 800 million people all over the world, global warming seems to be chiefly anthropogenic. It is estimated that the global temperature of our planet will be enhanced by 1.5°C in the coming decades as the greenhouse gases continue to pollute our atmosphere. Gases like carbon dioxide, methane nitrous oxide, and sulfur dioxide are being continuously released into our atmosphere. Withered crops, starving humans and animals, heat waves, heavy rains, and shrinking glaciers are giving a chilling picture of climate change. Apart from this, urbanization and industrialization resulting in land degradation and soil erosion are further worsening the situation. As far as forecasting and management are concerned, scientists all over the world are trying to understand the phenomena and helping people by predicting, forecasting, and diminishing the disaster. They are focusing on risk and hazard assessment, research, and educational programs on climate variability, improvement in forecast skills, and teaching from disasters. Climate predictions aid in the prediction of big weather occurrences that affect many facets of human life. In this chapter, the authors will try to focus on forecasting and management of disasters happening due to extreme climate change all over the world.
disasters occurrences,climate change,forecasting
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