Substantiation and Development of Comprehensive Measures to Improve the Activities of Construction Companies

2022 International Conference on Smart Information Systems and Technologies (SIST)(2022)

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The article presents the efficiency of construction production and discusses the methods, existing approaches and improvement of management decisions to assess the level of efficiency of the resource potential of the construction company. Methodological approaches to the analysis of the processes of construction organization in market conditions to determine the interdependence of the elements of the construction organization and the hierarchy of its strategy. The economic and mathematical model of optimum use of resources by the building organization taking into account risks for a derivation of a formula of calculation of variance of profit from variances of use of resources is offered. In order to obtain an optimal plan for the use of resources, it is proposed to form an economic-mathematical model in the form of a linear programming problem and its dual problem. The solution to these problems provides an optimal resource allocation plan and dual estimates for resources. Since risks take place in market conditions, a formula for calculating the variance of profit of used resources is derived on the basis of dual valuations. The work also developed econometric models of the dependence of the values of the main economic indicators on the factors for a specific construction organization and calculated the coefficients of elasticity, which show the magnitude of each factor's impact on the indicator. Accounting records from several years and quarters were used for this purpose. The analysis of particular results has been carried out and the degrees of influence of each factor have been found, which show the directions of the factors' changes at the expense of regulation of the environment in which the building organization operates. The volume of construction product sales of a particular construction enterprise was compared with the volume of construction product sales of an average Ukrainian construction enterprise. The advantage was in favor of a particular company. The following primary factors (resources) were defined: Investments, number of employees and cost of materials.
construction organizations,system approach,econometric models,corporate strategy,competitive strategy,functional strategy,resource optimization,resource intensity of construction
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