Impact of user experience (ux) for the evaluation and improvement of the organization workflow

Wajdi Aljedaibi, Abrar Munef Mubarak

International Journal for Quality Research(2022)

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User Experience (UX) is an important achievement factor across numerous areas and organizations, including product improvement industry and work process framework. Such a framework is imperative to manage complex necessities of associations to control and put together their normal cycles and to oversee them in practice. To study the demonstration and the nature of the work process framework, it is fundamental to assess UX utilizing various rules as UX attempts to satisfy the client's necessities. This study plans to give a structure to survey the client experience of utilizing work process the executive's framework according to various viewpoints, for example, (I) Ease of Use, (ii) Ease of Learning, (iii) System Usefulness, (iv) Informational Quality, (v) Interface Quality, and (vi) Overall experience. Furthermore, the structure approved utilizing genuine case situations to evaluate the present status of UX for the association's work process frameworks. Survey results were dissected utilizing diverse factual procedures to comprehend the presentation of the proposed model. The outcomes layout a relationship among assessment rules, though Cronbach Alpha and Split- Half Reliability Test show the incredible presentation of the model in assessing the UX rules. The experiments are useful for the organization to survey the quality and utilization of the work process the board framework according to the client's viewpoint.
user experience,ux,evaluation,organization
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