Structural position, magmatism and mineralisation of bakyrchik ore field (kazakhstan)

SGEM International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference� EXPO Proceedings22nd SGEM International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Proceedings 2022, Science and Technologies in Geology, Exploration And Mining(2022)

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The East Kazakhstan territory is the unique geologic province where a number of largescale non-ferrous and gold deposits are concentrated. Gold base metals (goldcontaining) type is represented by gold containing sulphide complex deposits. The Western Kalba zone is characterized as a gold-bearing structure of multi-stage development and long ore-preparation and ore-forming processes. At the first stage, in the conditions of the intercontinental sea basin (C1-2, C2), the donor carbon-terrigenous formation (Arkalyk, Bukon formations) is formed; in the formations of which the rejuvenation of primary gold occurs in C2-3 during establishment of shear zones and manifestation of regional metamorphism. Further, in the course of manifestation of collision-accretionary magmatism (the hypabyssal plagiogranite-granodiorite formation of the Kunushsky complex, C3) of fluidic-magmatogene activity and hydrothermal metasomatism there formed the concentrated mineralization of vein-disseminated, vein and stockwork types. The peculiarities of the formation of gold mineralization of the Bakyrchik ore field, as well as the influence of deep-lying intrusive rocks on the formation of ore bodies were studied and the results of these studies are presented in this article.
bakyrchik ore field,mineralisation,magmatism,kazakhstan,structural position
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