The pedological study of lands in dubova, mehedinti county, romania

SGEM International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference� EXPO Proceedings22nd SGEM International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Proceedings 2022, Water Resources. Forest, Marine and Ocean Ecosystems(2022)

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The objective of this paper is the morphological characterization as well as the establishment of soil quality classes in the commune of Dubova, Mehedinti County, Romania. Soil is a primary component for plant production, although it is often considered only as a physical support for plant growth. However, the concerns of mankind over the sustainability of agriculture have made it possible to consider that soil is a living, high-quality system and should, therefore, be preserved. This is the result of several interactions between biological components, including microbial communities, essential for physical-chemical operation. Agricultural crops are threatened by diseases transmitted through the soil, making them difficult to control because of the �hidden� character of pathogens and low efficiency of conventional treatments. These practices greatly affect the quality of the soil, which, in turn, affects the state of crop quality. One of the goals of this paper is to show that, despite the age of the concept of soil quality and the existence of numerous studies, the application of soil quality recommendations would play an important role in crops. However, there is a certain methodology for obtaining soil quality indices that could be suggested in this paper, a methodology based and developed on the basis of previously conducted research in the field. Under current conditions, highlighted by an intensification of globalization processes, sustainable development brings together the main economic and social factors to meet the present needs of mankind without compromising those of future generations.
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romania,lands,dubova,pedological study,mehedinti county
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