Numerical simulation of light erosion plasma dynamic mpc-discharges

Victor Kuzenov,Nikita Batrak, Nikita Kopaleyshvili

High Temperature Material Processes: An International Quarterly of High-Technology Plasma Processes(2022)

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In this work, a physico-mathematical model of a magnetoplasma compressor (MPC) was studied. The electro-technical characteristics and power modes of the MPC discharges in gases were considered. The radiation-plasma dynamic structures and spectral-brightness characteristics of the MPC discharges are given. Three different types of quasi-stationary spatial distributions of the plasma parameters were calculated for different heating modes (ohmic, transient, and plasma dynamic). The generation and behavior of a plasma jet created based on the plasma dynamic discharge of the MPC was studied.
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Key words
plasma,erosion,numerical simulation,mpc-discharges
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