Role of Genetic and Epigenetic Modifications in the Progression of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Chronic HCV Patients


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Globally, hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a significant cause of mortality and morbidity among chronically infected HCV patients. It is established that HCV is a primary risk factor for HCC progression. The treatment of HCV infection has been transformed by the introduction of DAAs with high rates of virological clearance. The reduction in cirrhosis-related consequences, particularly HCC, is the long-term objective of DAAs therapy for HCV. Although the risk of developing HCC is decreased in HCV patients who achieve a disease-sustaining virological response, these patients are nevertheless at risk, especially those with severe fibrosis and cirrhosis. Previous studies have shown that HCV induce several mechanisms of hepatocarcinogenesis in the host’s hepatic micro- and macro-environment, which leads to HCC progression. In an HCV-altered environment, compensatory liver regeneration favors chromosomal instability and irreversible alterations, which encourage hepatocyte neoplastic transformation and the development of malignant clones. These mechanisms involve a series of genetic and epigenetic modifications including host genetic factors, dysregulation of several signaling pathways, histone, and DNA modifications including methylation and acetylation. This review highlights the genetic and epigenetic factors that lead to the development of HCC in chronic HCV-infected individuals and can be targeted for earlier HCC diagnosis and prevention.
hepatocellular carcinoma,chronic hcv patients,epigenetic modifications,genetic
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