Research on the academic achievement of transcarpathian mobile students

Vìsnik KNLU. Serìâ “Psihologìâ ta pedagogìka” / Visnyk KNLU. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology"(2023)

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Academic achievement can be approached from several aspects. The first aspect is the achievement of students and educational institutions based on external and internal indicators. Previous research has shown that it is worth examining students' achievement in student mobility. Mobile students are more likely to succeed in their studies and find jobs. Purpose. The research aims to reveal the academic achievement of Transcarpathian students continuing their studies in Hungary. We examine where students studying abroad settle down after graduation: they either stay in Hungary, return home to Ukraine or utilise their knowledge in another country. We examined in which higher educations the former students continued their studies and which faculties they preferred as well as what differences and similarities can be observed in terms of achievement between students returning to Transcarpathia and students settling down in Hungary or abroad. Methods. During our research, an online self-completed questionnaire was applied. We used the snowball method to track down former students. 347 Transcarpathian mobile students filled out the questionnaire. The obtained data were analysed by SPSS 22 Program. Descriptive statistics were used during the analyses. Results It is most characteristic of students living in Hungary that they already wanted to acquire proper marketable knowledge when they decided to take advantage of student mobility. As a result, they tried to find a job in the Hungarian labour market. Their plans have not changed since university graduation. Conclusion. Our results suggest that the choice of major significantly influences the final settlement decision. Getting a jobwith a degree obtained in Hungary can face many obstacles for a well-qualified young person. This is especially true for prominent majors. In a city, a graduate has a much higher chance of finding a position according to his qualification.
academic achievement,students
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