Long-term light curve variations of AGB stars: episodic mass-loss or binarity?

Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union(2020)

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AbstractA significant fraction of the stars near the tip of the AGB phase become regular or semi-regular (Mira-type, SRs) pulsators. However, some of these light curves have shown intriguing secondary minima or sharp dips with much longer periods. Although this phenomenon shows some resemblance with the R CrB variables, the light curve is generally symmetric before and after the dip, whereas in R CrB the luminosity recovers slower after its minimum. More recently, high-resolution ALMA CO observations revealed a spiral structure around some of these stars, which suggests the presence of a stellar or sub-stellar companion. In these cases, the long-term light curve minima could be caused by periodic eclipses of the primary by a spiral circumstellar structure, and the long-period would be related to the orbital period. In this paper we discuss the pros and cons of the various proposed scenarios for the long-term minima of pulsating AGB stars.
agb stars,long-term,mass-loss
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