Digital trade in global markets


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Digital trade regulation significantly varies at the national level in particular countries and the regional and international levels. The authors show that the rapid development of the Internet and new business models entails the need to change traditional policies and regulatory measures regarding such issues as access to the market for goods and services, data traffic control, censorship, intellectual property rights protection, privacy standards, information security, and many others. Digital trade regulation worldwide is still initially. At the international level, there is no common terminology in the field of digital trade, no unified methodology for calculating statistical amounts of digital commerce, no assessment of the digitalization level of various sectors, no unified methods for identifying barriers to digital trade and approaches to assessing their impact on business. One of the benefits of digital trade is increased transparency, traceability, and control of transactions made electronically. Global digital platforms provide significant opportunities for companies worldwide (especially startups and small businesses) to expand into new markets. The spread of 3D printing and additive manufacturing technologies promotes the growth of cross-border flows of electronically traded physical goods. One of the most excellent opportunities the digital era offers is the ability to collect and process a huge amount of information (big data). Big data analytics significantly improves the efficiency of management decisions, which is extremely important for business and public administration. So far, large corporate companies in technologically developed countries have proved to be more adept at using this opportunity. As a result, their governments have stepped up their efforts to overcome the imbalance in managing the complex macroeconomic system. At the same time, as the practice of many countries shows, the same technologies can be used against national security. The threat of developing cognitive weapons to manipulate human behavior, destabilizing the political situation, and changing the government becomes quite serious.
Digital trade,e-commerce regulation,digital trade barriers,digital trade,restrictions,e-commerce requirements,digital openness of countries.
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