Instagram for Information and Publicity Purposes During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Andi Poplas, Nina Planinšek, Miha Rušnik, Rok Nabergoj,Vili Podgorelec,Ines Kožuh

ATHENA Research Book, Volume 1(2022)

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The Covid-19 pandemic has shaken the world and brought us new challenges such as spreading information. In today’s social networks-dominated world, the public is commonly informed via Instagram, one of the fastestgrowing networks. In our research, we looked at the said network for the purpose of spreading information to the public during the pandemic. We found that the majority of respondents do not use Instagram for gathering information about Covid-19. However, the level of awareness of its users increases as the number of perceived posts related to the Covid-19 pandemic increases. We found that older users are more informed, and that individuals obtain information from different types of profiles. We concluded that Instagram is still a good tool to inform users, as it reaches a certain level of people and informs them well about Covid-19 and can be used with advantage by organisations and individuals for sharing information.
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