Оrganization of physical education for students in the distance learning settings

Scientific Journal of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. Series 15. Scientific and pedagogical problems of physical culture (physical culture and sports)(2022)

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The article provides information on the peculiarities of the organization of physical education process for students in the distance learning settings. Methods: analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature and documentary materials, pedagogical research methods (pedagogical observation), physical activity assessment methods, and methods of mathematical statistics. The study was conducted at the Kyiv National Economic University. The study involved 48 first and second year male students. Certain shortcomings in the organization of physical education process in a distance learning format were emphasized. A decrease in the degree of student satisfaction with the physical education process was identified, which occurred due to a number of shortcomings of distance learning, namely, a decrease in the effectiveness of education as a result of a lack of practical knowledge and skills, a lack of live communication, undeveloped motivation, and an insufficient level of theoretical training. Furthermore, the difficulties in mastering the proper technique of exercises without special sports equipment were identified. It was found that the level of physical activity of students further deteriorated during the distance learning period. Recommendations were developed to increase the effectiveness of the organization of the physical education process during the distance learning period, which included interactive learning, keeping an electronic health journal, using a wide base of video lessons with accessible and interesting types of physical activity for students with different levels of fitness.
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Key words
physical education,students,learning
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