Energy trading solution: The capable leverage for a renewable-dominant future

Emerging Transactive Energy Technology for Future Modern Energy Networks(2023)

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Energy networks are going to experience revolutionary changes in the generation, transmission, and distribution sectors. Recent progress has emerged in line with the high adoption of cleaner systems. Such progress has made energy networks’ operation and planning complex and is taken into account as the introduction for the widespread transformation. In this regard, wind and solar generation resources are recognized as the most popular types of renewables playing a basic role in the decarbonization of the electric power system. However, the grid needs reliable ways for supporting consumers in continuous energy supply. This requirement is created in response to the call for a fully renewable system that exposes it to load-cutting threats. Moving far away from such threats is converted into one of the critical challenges in energy network studies. This issue mostly backs to intermittences in the outputs of stochastic energy producers that drive the structure to rely on grid-edge technologies to provide the best and most efficient use of clean energy. Energy trading is known as one of the effective solutions that support the realization of grid decarbonization schemes while is targeted for ensuring adequate flexibility and high-quality grid services. Due to this, several energy trading methods have appeared with different capabilities that match various types of grid topology. Indeed, energy trading models enable the grid to act more flexibly in managing energy, particularly when it is equipped with a high level of renewable units. How energy interactions need to be formed and for realizing which goals are two key factors in developing the new energy-sharing schemes. This chapter wants to concentrate on the vital role of energy trading as a capable solution in the integration of 100 percent renewable energy units.
capable leverage,energy,renewable-dominant
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