SME Digital Content Engagement With Online Customers

Handbook of Research on Business Model Innovation Through Disruption and DigitalizationAdvances in Business Strategy and Competitive Advantage(2022)

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Modern consumers are active co-producers of content published on companies' different online platforms, but content must be relevant and engaging for customers to participate. Therefore, digital content marketing continuously calls for an improved amount of data and research to create and customize relevant, value-creating content for the company's stakeholders. Theory argues that brand-related, value-creating, and relevant content is an open invitation to engage with a company to build the necessary trust with customers and at the same time establish a closer relationship between the two parties. Transforming marketing strategies to a digital content-based paradigm has successfully been applied in large companies with in-house marketing and communication departments and/or large marketing budgets. However, for small and medium-sized enterprises transforming their marketing strategy to a digital content strategy is challenging. This case study demonstrates challenges of SMEs in digitally transforming their marketing strategies and SoMe engagement from their customers' perspectives.
sme digital content engagement,customers
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