Advances in encapsulation of organic compounds for biological protective textiles

Advances in Healthcare and Protective Textiles(2023)

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Humans are surrounded by numerous pathogens, which can cause severe infections and even become a source of death. The world has seen the impact of COVID-19 on the health and economic sector and continues to see the other impact if corrective measures are not taken. Similarly, the impact of bacteria on the human body has increased noticeably over the past few years, and is one of the significant challenges the healthcare sector faces. Therefore it is imperative to focus on the systems through which the impact of pathogens could be reduced. Scientists are rigorously working on the development of biological protective textiles using the encapsulation of organic compounds to protect the user from harmful pathogens. This chapter will review recent advancements in the development of biological protective textiles using encapsulated organic compounds. The fundamentals of micro/nanoencapsulation and the most important encapsulation techniques used for the development of microcapsules loaded with organic compounds (essential oils) will be described. The application of various organic compounds onto textiles through suitable encapsulation techniques will also be discussed. The control-release kinetics with mathematical modeling will be thoroughly discussed to understand the release behaviors of microcapsules. Novel biological protective textiles such as antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidant, mosquito repellent, insect repellent, etc., will be reviewed. Finally, the mode of action of essential oils against viruses, pathogens, insects, mosquitoes, and oxidants will be explained.
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biological protective textiles,organic compounds,encapsulation
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