Fault systems have geometrically complex structures in nature, such as stepovers, branches, and roughness. Both geological and geophysical s">

3D Quasidynamic cycles accelerated using Hierarchical Matrices: Role of complex fault geometry 

Jinhui Cheng, Michelle Almakari,Carlo Peruzzo,Brice Lecampion,Harsha Bhat


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<p class="p1">Fault systems have geometrically complex structures in nature, such as stepovers, branches, and roughness. Both geological and geophysical studies indicate that the fault geometry complexities can have a first order effect on spatio-temporally complex slip dynamics. However, a vast majority of models of slip dynamics are conducted on planar faults due to algorithmic limitations. We develop a 3D quasi-dynamic slip dynamics model with Hierarchical matrices to overcome this restriction. The calculation of elastic response due to slip is a matrix-vector multiplication, which can be accelerated by using hierarchical matrices and easily multi-threaded. The computational complexity is reduced from the order of <em>O(N<sup>2</sup>) </em>to <em>O(NlogN)</em>. We cross-validate our code with the SCEC run SEAS benchmark/validation exercise. With this approach, we then explore the role of fundamental geometry complexities and realistic fault geometry on slip dynamics. We also plan to analyse synthetic signals and compare with seismological and geodetic observations.</p>
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