Our limited understanding of clouds is a major source of uncertainty in cl">

One year of Aerosol and Cloud measurements in Rothera on the Antarctic Peninsula

Floortje van den Heuvel,Tom Lachlan-Cope, Jonathan Witherstone, Joanna Dyson,Freya Squires, Daniel Smith,Michael Flynn


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<p class="western" align="justify"><span lang="en-US">Our limited understanding of clouds is a major source of uncertainty in climate sensitivity and climate model projections. The Southern Ocean is </span><span lang="en-US">the largest</span> <span lang="en-US">region</span><span lang="en-US"> on Earth where climate models present large biases </span><span lang="en-US">in</span><span lang="en-US"> short and long wave radiation fluxes which in turn affect the representation of sea surface temperatures, sea ice and ultimately large scale circulation in the S</span><span lang="en-US">outhern Hemisphere</span><span lang="en-US">. Evidence suggests that the poor representation of mixed phase clouds at the micro- and macro scales is responsible for the model biases in this region. The Southern Ocean Clouds (SOC) project </span><span lang="en-US">is</span><span lang="en-US"> a multi-scale, multi-platform approach with the aim of improving understanding of aerosol and cloud microphysics in this region, and their representation in numerical models. </span></p> <p class="western" align="justify"><span lang="en-US">In February 2022 we installed a suite of instruments at the Rothera research station on the Antarctic peninsula to measure the physical and chemical properties of aerosol, the number concentrations of Cloud Condensation Nuclei and Ice Nucleating Particles, and cloud height and thickness all year round. Here we will report the first observations and statistics of one full year of aerosol and cloud measurements from the Rothera research station. </span></p>
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