New Insights on the seismic unrest of La Palma 2021 eruption through a purely automatic analysis


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<p><span>We have analyzed the seismic series that preceded La Palma 2021 eruption using a purely automatic methodology based on Deep Learning. A new catalog has been retrieved, firstly 5797 absolute locations were obtained using NLLoc algorithm and considering a 3D velocity model of the island. At a further stage, these results were improved computing relative locations with HypoDD code. Our final catalog has doubled the number of events of the original manual catalog of the Instituto Geogr&#225;fico Nacional. We observe new detailed features of the seismicity migration throughout the crust. We can clearly differentiate two phases within the sequence: the first one from September 11th to 16th and the second one from September 16th until the eruption onset. This differentiation can be described in terms of independent seismic parameters: inter-event time dispersion coefficient, b-value spatio-temporal distribution, hypocentral migration, magnitude distribution). Our results are in agreement with previous geodetic studies. Finally, we have developed a conceptual model describing the magmatic unrest and how the magma made its way to the surface prior to this eruption.&#160;</span></p>
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