Qualification Tests of OCTG Premium Connection under Cryogenic conditions for CCS projects

Giacomo Nutricato, Carmen Repetto, Ruggero Brambilla, Luca Dal Forno,Domenico Santoro, Paolo Nunzi,Luca Martini, Roger Eaton,Aureliano Piccolo,Raffaello Zambetti, Jorge Cordero,Martin J. Goya,Nestor J. Santi, Erica Gibellini

Day 2 Thu, March 02, 2023(2023)

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Abstract In a global context aiming to unlock a low carbon future by industry decarbonization, developing the infrastructure for capturing and storing CO2 emissions is a key target of countries, energy companies and regulatory bodies. Injection for geological storage in suitable reservoirs is an advantageous option which presents challenges related to the completion accessories and string exposed to the injected fluid and the thermodynamical loads during injection and the well life. The purpose of this work is to simulate by numerical analysis and full-scale test, the behavior of a gas-tight Metal-to-Metal OCTG premium dope-free connection when subjected to low temperatures and loads generated by the effect of a sudden CO2 high pressure drop during injection in depleted reservoirs. Extreme temperature drop down caused by the Joule-Thompson (J-T) effect between injection conditions (P-T) inside the tubular and those in the annulus, may expose tubing connections to a thermal shock reaching a temperature near the theoretical figure of -78.5°C. This temperature drop assumed as worst-case scenario is also explored. The analysis is performed considering estimated loads for a CO2 injection case study. The numerical analysis and full-scale test performed confirm the structural and sealability performance of the connection is not affected by the exposure to such low temperatures. Additionally, transient thermal loads, with a drop of approximately 100°C, appears to be not critical for the metal-to-metal dope-free seal integrity and also not affecting the structural integrity of the connection. The challenges setting up of a prototype testing frame, simulating the cooling by thermal shock, lead to a methodology for assessing CCS projects premium connection able to define a robust testing protocol for cryogenic temperatures. The numerical and full-scale results collected on the tested connection size, together with the ones previously tested, allow extrapolation to near sizes of the same premium thread family. The results achieved by testing a premium connection which has been subjected to a thermal shock approaching -78.5°C represent a forefront in the industry, demonstrating the reliability of the product not only in operative conditions during CO2 injection, but also after an extreme event, assessing performance for the CCUS storage projects.
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