Kebutuhan Vitamin E dengan Kadar Hemoglobin sebagai Nutrisi pada Ibu Hamil

Nurul Amalia, Dini Haerani

Biocaster : Jurnal Kajian Biologi(2022)

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Anemia in pregnancy is the condition of the mother with Hb <11g%. Anemia occurs in almost half of pregnant women. One of the causes of anemia is a micronutrient deficiency, namely Vitamin E. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between vitamin E intake and hemoglobin levels in pregnant women at the Long Mesengat Health Center, Long Mesengat District, East Kutai Regency, East Kalimantan Province in 2019. This study using an analytic observational design with a cross sectional. The research sample consisted of 36 respondents who were collected through simple random sampling and met the criteria. Data were analyzed by univariate test and bivariate test (Spearman). The results showed that 12 (33.33%) pregnant women with anemia and 19 (52.8%) pregnant women with insufficient vitamin E intake. The results of this study showed that there was no relationship between vitamin E intake and hemoglobin levels in pregnant women at the Long Mesengat Health Center in 2019 (p = 0.25).
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