Knowledge and Awareness about the teratogenic effects of oral Isotretinoin among women in Saudi Arabia

Rifah Alturki, Maram Albishri, Reema Alharbi, Reema Meeralam, Saad Alanazi,Aisha Alsayary,Khames Alzahrani

Medical Science(2023)

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Background: Isotretinoin, commonly known as 13-cis retinoic acid, is the most effective medication for treating acne. This drug's adverse effects include dry skin and mucous membranes, an elevated lipid profile and regular muscle aches. This study aimed to assess the knowledge and awareness about the teratogenic effects of using oral isotretinoin among childbearing-age women in Saudi Arabia. Methodology: This is an observational cross-sectional study that was conducted between February 2022 to November 2022 in Saudi Arabia, A questionnaire was distributed online and women of childbearing age will fill it out and the sample size was estimated by using the Qualtrics calculator with a confidence level of 95% and a sample size of 384, Statistical analysis was conducted with aid of Statistical package for social sciences. Results: The study included 1680 female participants, 51% of study participants aged between 20 -31 years old. 85.1% heard about isotretinoin. 71.5% know side effects of isotretinoin. Isotretinoin is currently used by 14.6% of participants. Isotretinoin was used by 7.8% of women after marriage. Contraception is recommended for 8.8% of those on Isotretinoin. In the case of a pregnancy while using Isotretinoin, 12.4% of participants were advised about the possibility of fetal congenital abnormalities. After the therapy period, 3.3% of women had a pregnancy test. Conclusion: Despite to the report's results, women of reproductive age are frequently unaware of isotretinoin's adverse effects.
Isotretinoin, Teratogenicity, Knowledge, Awareness, Side effects, Saudi Arabia
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