Analysis of the Cassava Value Chain in Reference to Smallholder Farmers in Busia County, Kenya

R. A. Emongor, S. Makokha, S. Matere,F. M. Nzuve, C. Githunguri

Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology(2023)

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A survey was undertaken in Busia County, Kenya to obtain data for the situational analysis of the cassava value chain. Two hundred and forty-five households were sampled and interviewed in the months of August and September 2021 in Teso South Sub-County, Busia County. Descriptive statistics methods were used to analyse data using Statistical Product Service Solutions (IBM SPSS) version 20 Software. The results showed that the average land size in the study area was 2.7 acres. The mean land allocated to cassava was 0.25 acres. Those interviewed grew cassava mainly for subsistence while the surplus is marketed. Results also showed farmers preferred to grow local varieties (68.4%), improved varieties (21.6%) and a combination of improved and local varieties (10%). The adoption of improved cassava varieties in the study sites was still low. Most of the farmers obtained their income from on-farm sources (71.8%). The major source of information was the farmer-to-farmer extension approach with approximately 66% of respondents obtaining information from other farmers. The farmers like growing local varieties as they have traits that make them preferred to the farmers. The adoption of the improved varieties was still low. More needs to be done on both production; processing and marketing if cassava is to contribute to the food security and income of the households in Busia County.
cassava value chain,smallholder farmers,kenya
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