A brief phylogenetic analysis of TFL proteins in different plant species relative to Lablab purpureus (L.) sweet

The Pharma Innovation(2022)

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To know the origins of any living organism and to know the process of how they came to be as they are today requires a deep study of their evolutionary history and requires tracking of the changes conferred by such evolution. In this aspect, Indian bean has been orphaned out owing to the least efforts made in exploration, well established quality research and quality improvement. In this light, this study was held in Rabi 2022 to decipher the evolutionary relationships between different species of plants in terms of divergence/relatedness of TFL (Terminal Flowering Locus) protein among such individuals. Phylogenetic analysis of TFL protein sequence from different members revealed that Arabidopsis lyrata subsp. lyrata TFL protein is closely related to Capsella rubella but very distantly related to Nicotiana tabacum and Mangifera indica. The analysis gave out many such evolutionary relatedness between TFL proteins of many plant species.
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