Effect of Mineral Addition LC2 on Shrinkage Produced in Concrete

RILEM Bookseries Proceedings of the 75th RILEM Annual Week 2021(2023)

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Together with the additives, the use of Supplementary Cementitious Materials (SMCs) is one of the most sustainable solutions worked on to achieve high performance concretes, more resistant to aggressive environments and as a measure to mitigate different phenomena, such as shrinkage cracks. Mineral additions are one of the most widespread, as they not only favour the partial replacement of Portland cement, but also provide certain chemical and physical properties that make the concrete more durable in different environments. The development of technologies that allow these new materials to appear requires studies to determine their influence on construction. This is why this research is focus on evaluating the effect of the active mineral addition of calcined clay, limestone and gypsum (LC2), on the shrinkage that occurs in fluid concretes and their behaviour in the paste-concrete ratio. Samples P35 (Cement P-35 and Sika Plast additive 0.65%) and LC65 (Cement P-35, addition LC2 30% and Sika Plast additive 1%) are defined. They are evaluate by means of chemical shrinkage in cement pastes and then a study is made of the shrinkage in the concretes by means of ASTM c-157 and the shrinkage channel. This research demonstrates the shrinkage reducing effect of the mineral addition LC2 and achieves an important step forward in the sustainable development of new materials for the Construction Industry in Cuba.
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