Interpretable weather forecasting for worldwide stations with a unified deep model

Nature Machine Intelligence(2023)

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Automatic weather stations are essential for fine-grained weather forecasting; they can be built almost anywhere around the world and are much cheaper than radars and satellites. However, these scattered stations only provide partial observations governed by the continuous space–time global weather system, thus introducing thorny challenges to worldwide forecasting. Here we present the Corrformer model with a novel multi-correlation mechanism, which unifies spatial cross-correlation and temporal auto-correlation into a learned multi-scale tree structure to capture worldwide spatiotemporal correlations. Corrformer reduces the canonical double quadratic complexity of spatiotemporal modelling to linear in spatial modelling and log-linear in temporal modelling, achieving collaborative forecasts for tens of thousands of stations within a unified deep model. Our model can generate interpretable predictions based on inferred propagation directions of weather processes, facilitating a fully data-driven artificial intelligence paradigm for discovering insights for meteorological science. Corrformer yields state-of-the-art forecasts on global, regional and citywide datasets with high confidence and provided skilful weather services for the 2022 Winter Olympics.
interpretable weather forecasting,worldwide stations,model
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